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A Guide On Water Tanks

Water tanks are essential for your home or commercial building. The tank ensures a constant water supply without a change of pressure or quality. You can pick different types of tank materials depending on your circumstances. This piece explores material options and their features that should influence your water tank choice. 

Plastic tanks 

Plastic tanks are a common choice in different applications due to the chemical and physical attributes of the material. The plastic material used for making a water tank must achieve the food-grade standard, mainly when you use the water for domestic applications. In addition, always choose a tank with adequate thickness to ensure it is durable even under harsh conditions. 

Water tanks made of plastic are light and easy to position. You can also relocate this type of tank with ease. Plastic water tanks are rust-free, and they blend with most landscapes. However, dark-coloured plastic tanks absorb heat and create a warm place for algae to grow. Hence, regularly treat your plastic water tank and inspect it for algae growth. 

Poly-lined steel tanks

This type of tank uses two materials and combines their advantages to make it better than those using these items in isolation. A poly liner tank has an external steel structure, but the inside is a plastic material. The water you store in the tank does not come into contact with the steel, preventing corrosion. Steel, especially galvanised steel, reflects light and keeps the water cool.

These tanks minimise algae growth, ensuring the water is safe for drinking. Steel has a modular structure, and the development of pre-engineered structures helps build large structures within a short time. You can scale up the tank with time while exploiting the previous materials when working with steel. Still, poly-lined tanks require a significantly higher investment than poly tanks. 

Concrete tanks

Concrete tanks combine cement and steel bars, creating durable and strong structures. You cannot relocate the tank after construction; most of them are ideal if you install them underground. The water from your gutters and main water supply pipes can easily enter the reservoir when the tank is underground. This tank is, thereby, an affordable underground solution. 

These tanks rarely require algae treatment since concrete naturally kills bacteria. Concrete thereby kills most pathogens that may render your water unsafe for drinking or irrigation. A concrete tank is also free from issues such as rust and leakage. If the tank gets damaged, you can easily apply a sealant, but you do not need to purchase a new one. 

Some of the popular options for a water tank include plastic, poly-line and concrete. 
